What We Do

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How We Help

Youth is the flower of an entire nation, is in the flower that we must prepare the fruit

To inform in order to form ourselves to perform in life
That one of our Motto.

We believe education is a key in someone life. We take education very seriously hence our aim is to assist deprived children to access education by sponsoring them throughout their lives.
As Learning never exhausts the mind we also encourage older person to access education wherever they are.

HEALTH: we promote well-being as well as healthy lifestyle to our families.
We are aware and concern on the issues around mental health therefore we bring awareness to services users on how to overcome or to challenge this scourge. We will signpost to professionals that will assist in providing advice on eating healthy and tackle any mental health issue or learning difficulties.

EMPOWERING FAMILIES: we provide empowering services to our services users, to raise awareness and educate families on life in the Uk or Europe.
Entre Elles will try to bridge the gap between the African and Western culture. Entre Elles aim to achieve this by creating a network of people that will feedback into the community.
For instance, have workshop sessions with solicitors, social workers as there is a fundamental lack of knowledge among women of the community on those issues.

Where we work
FRANCE: we have a team that is based in Paris. We organised day out, Prayer meeting and workshop
UK: located in London we organized day out, prayer meeting and workshop
IVORY COAST: soon to operate
UGANDA: soon to operate
DRCONGO: we have a team operating in Kinshasa. We organise two annual giving “Eben Ezer” operation every September we assist families in their children going back to school, also every December during the Festive Season we share lunch and give present to our families.