Get Involved

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Work With Us

Money: is a key a tool to help concretise our project and fulfill someone life. You can either subscribe to give to sponsor a child a family or to support our vision
Choose to give Annually, Monthly or Weekly:
money will go to the Charity expenses such as day events, conference, shared lunch.

Large donation can be collected
Clothes/Toys/ Books: it will be re-distributed to our children.
We also partner with other foundation so we will forward to other good cause.
Where your donation goes
Be at peace mins as your support will helps make life better to the most vulnerable.

Work with us
Get involve and
Become an Ambassador: join Entre Elles ambassadors for representing Entre Elles at events,
Positively promoting Entre Elles through local and social media.

Become a Volunteer: get involve and give your time, enthusiast to Entre Elles project, day event, fundraising or
Sponsor a child/ Family/ Elderly: your love is important for us, for them.

Campaign with us
End Abuse
Female Genital Mutilation
Child Abuse
Domestic Abuse

Stop Inequalities
Everyone deserve a chance
Access to information
Promote self-care skills

Be a Friend of Excellence
Take part, join, bring your knowledge, ideas, time and energy